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Online Library Student Resources

Resources available remotely from the GWC Library.

Research Support

Chat, text, call, or email a Librarian (your Research Coaches!) during library open hours:

Librarians can help with locating resources, citation help, and general campus questions. We can direct you to the right department!

Search Research Guides for help with finding resources:

Many courses on campus with a research component have an online library research guide associated with them to get you started.

Don't see a guide for your course? Start with our general research guide: 

Library Resources

24/7 access to eBooks, eJournals, eVideos, and databases!

Use the menu on this page to find out more or click on these links:

Frequently Asked Questions

You've got questions, we have answers:

General Library:

Question: Is the library open?

Answer: YES! Please see our current hours.

Question: Can I ask a question?

Answer: Yes, please! Librarians are available to answer questions during open hours.


Question: How do I get a Chromebook?

Answer: Use the Chromebook Request Form from Student Equity.

Returning Library Materials:

Question: I have a book or DVD from the library, how do I return it?

Answer: Library materials (books and DVDs) may be returned to the book drop next to the LRC/Library building.

Book drop location and appearance:

Book drop location near the LRC entrance on the side near garden.close up of GWC Library book drop near LRC entranc

More questions? Contact us via chat, text, email, or call. See boxes on this page for contact information and hours of operation.

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