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Understanding Academic Dishonesty

Resources on how to have academic integrity.

What Does It Mean?

As a student at Golden West College, you are responsible for following certain policies adopted by the Coast Community College District, including the Student "Code of Conduct."

The Student Code of Conduct, Appendix B: Code of Conduct Violations begins with "Academic Misconduct." 

Academic Misconduct. All forms of academic misconduct including, but not limited to, cheating, fabrication, plagiarism, or facilitating academic dishonesty (21).

It is important to know your rights, and also your responsibilities:

What Are The Consequences?

  • Reduced grade
  • Failure of modules/assignments
  • Campus disciplinary actions, including:
    • Educational essay
    • Educational tutorial/workshop
    • Disciplinary Probation
    • Suspension

What Does It Mean at GWC?

Golden West College has the responsibility to ensure that the grades assigned are indicative of the knowledge and skill level of each student.

Acts of academic dishonesty make it impossible to fulfill this responsibility:

  • Faculty have a responsibility to ensure that academic honesty is maintained in their classroom.
  • Students share that responsibility and are expected to refrain from all acts of academic dishonesty.
  • The Student Code of Conduct, Board Policy, and Administrative Procedures 5500, shall be applied to all incidents of academic dishonesty.


If faculty believes a student is responsible for Academic Misconduct, they should submit an Incident Report. The College Disciplinary Officer (CDO) will follow up with a letter to the student that a report alleging Academic Misconduct has been received. The student will be given the opportunity to meet with the CDO to discuss the allegations. If the student does not take the opportunity to discuss the allegations then the automatic sanctions will be to write a reflective essay and complete an academic integrity tutorial. Faculty will be copied on this correspondence with the student. Faculty may also assign a 0 or F for the assignment or exam where the student committed Academic Misconduct.

A second report of Academic Misconduct will likely result in suspension from all Coast Community College District colleges.

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