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Biology 110: Endangered Species Research Project

Use this guide to locate resources for your assignments.


Endangered Species Research Project

Endangered Species stamp featuring a Bengal Tiger

Recommended Library Resources - Books

The following Reference Books are recommended: 

Books in the GWC Library

GWC Library Catalog

Books and other materials located in the Golden West College Library can be found in the 'Library Catalog.' 

Find books or eBooks on your topic. Use the keywords from your topic.

When searching for books, start with your species (try the common or scientific name). If no results, try searching the broader category, such as books on trees instead of the specific tree species you have chosen. 

Don't give up! Ask a librarian if you need help.

Books you can check out and take home:

  • "General Collection" books are located on the 3rd Floor of the library. These books can be useful for your research papers.

To check them out: Take books to the Public Services Desk on the 2nd Floor and show your GWC Student ID (your library card!).

Books that stay in the library: 

  • "Reference" books are located on the 2nd Floor of the library near the entrance. These books are great for background information on your topics.
  • "Hot Topics" books are located on the 2nd Floor in front of the Reference Desk (where the librarians are located). These books are excellent sources for argumentative essays or persuasive speeches. They have contrasting, debatable essays on a variety of social, political or cultural issues.

The GWC Library materials (books and DVDs) are organized on our shelves by:

This system of organizing ensures that materials on similar subjects are shelved together. Each item is given a subject heading that corresponds to a call number which identifies the location of the item on a shelf. 

call numbers on spines of books and in online catalog

Items are arranged on the shelves from left to right, top to bottom, according to call numbers. Call numbers are read in this format:

read an LC call number

Video: Understanding Call Numbers

Short video (2:11) explaining how to locate materials in a college library using the Library of Congress call number system.

eBooks from the GWC Library

Click on one of the pictures below to access Reference eBooks! 

Endangered Species Beacham's Guide to the Endangered Species of North America Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia: Extinction

Here is the link to the library's largest eBook Collection with video tutorials:

Find Credible Information: Library Databases

Library Databases are where you will find credible articles, including scholarly research, on your species.

Scholarly Sources:

Try these first using the scientific name and then the common one. 

Newspapers will help you find current information about species status and recent findings. 

These are credible but not scholarly resources. See if the article refers to a journal, study, or scientist.

Find Credible Information: Websites

Government Websites:

Species Information: California

On the website above, CA Fish and Wildlife, see the lists on the bottom of the page under the heading "California's Threatened and Endangered Species" for updated lists. These lists are where you will choose your species for your project.**
Remember to select only those species which have the following headings:
  • SE "State Listed - Endangered"
  • FE "Federally Listed - Endangered"
  • ST "State Listed - Threatened"
  • FT "Federally Listed - Threatened"

See links below for direct access:

Species Information: Federal 

Species Information: International

Habitat Information:

Other Agencies or Nonprofit Websites:

Choose carefully and consider bias.

Locate Endangered Species Using the Red List (IUCN)

Step 1: Go to the IUCN Red List of Endangered Species website:

Step 2: Click on Advanced Search

Advanced Search

Step 3:  In the left column, select the criteria set by your instructor.

For example: 

  • Red List Category: CR - Critically Endangered & EN - Endangered
  • Land Regions: California (remember to avoid checking the box for "United States")
  • Systems: Terrestrial, Freshwater, & Terrestrial and Freshwater (do not click on 'Marine')

Video: How to Read and Comprehend Scientific Research Articles

Learn how to read and understand scientific research reports from this short (5:03) video tutorial from the University of Minnesota.

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