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English 110: Critical Thinking, Reading and Writing Through Literature

Use library resources to locate and evaluate information for your class assignments.

Finding Books in the Library

GWC Library Catalog

One way to locate books and other materials in the Golden West College Library is through the 'Library Catalog.' 

Find books or eBooks on literary criticism. The library has a large collection of academic sources of literary criticism about authors and specific works of literature.

Tip!  Remember to search by SUBJECT to get books about an author or a work rather than books written by that author or the work itself.

Don't give up! Ask a librarian if you need help.

Below are broad subject headings to find books in the library about literary criticism:

Books you can check out and take home:

  • "General Collection" books are located on the 3rd Floor of the library. These books can be useful for your research papers.

To check them out: Take books to the Public Services Desk on the 2nd Floor and show your GWC Student ID (your library card!).

Books that stay in the library: 

  • "Reference" books are located on the 2nd Floor of the library near the entrance. These books are great for background information on your topics.
  • "Hot Topics" books are located on the 2nd Floor in front of the Reference Desk (where the librarians are located). These books are excellent sources for argumentative essays or persuasive speeches. They have contrasting, debatable essays on a variety of social, political or cultural issues.

The GWC Library materials (books and DVDs) are organized on our shelves by:

This system of organizing ensures that materials on similar subjects are shelved together. Each item is given a subject heading that corresponds to a call number which identifies the location of the item on a shelf. 

call numbers on spines of books and in online catalog

Items are arranged on the shelves from left to right, top to bottom, according to call numbers. Call numbers are read in this format:

read an LC call number

Video: Understanding Call Numbers

Short video (2:11) explaining how to locate materials in a college library using the Library of Congress call number system.

Selected Literary Criticism Titles

Below is a selection of titles from the Critical Insights Series.

The series focuses on an individual author's entire body of work, a single work of literature, or a literary theme. Edited and written by some of academe's most distinguished literary scholars, Critical Insights provide authoritative, in-depth scholarship suitable for students and teachers alike.

Search the library catalog for your author or topic. There are eBook as well as physical book copies and some titles have both formats available.

eBooks from the GWC Library

The GWC Library has collections of thousands of electronic books (eBooks).

Most titles are different than our print collection. They may be accessed 24/7 from the library's website:

The Gale eBook Collection includes a collection of electronic versions of the "...for Students" series of books:

Visit the library's Reference Collection (2nd Floor LRC) for a larger number of these resources.

*Note: Use your Coast login to access databases from off campus.
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