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English 110: Critical Thinking, Reading and Writing Through Literature

Use library resources to locate and evaluate information for your class assignments.

Your Assignment

Your assignment is to identify, evaluate, and select research material relevant about an author and their literary work or a literary movement. You are also expected to properly compile this material in order to write a research paper using MLA format.

This guide has been designed to highlight library resources to help you achieve these goals! 


What is Literary Criticism?

Literary Criticism is the discussion, analysis or appraisal of a literary work-whether a novel, poem, play, short story or essay.

As a literary critic, you will read and study a piece of literature and attempt to:

  • describe
  • analyze
  • justify
  • interpret
  • evaluate

The guide will help you find biographical and critical information about authors and their works. 

Guides to Writing Literary Criticism

Selection of books in the library:

Click on the titles to see chapter titles and more.

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