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Library Services for Faculty

Instructions, tips and help for faculty using GWC Library resources and services.

Permalinks, Bookmarks, Oh my!

Link articles into Canvas for your students or have them link their research! 

We have broken down the information for you so you know how to include library database resources in your courses.

DO NOT use the URL at the top of your web browser as this link will not work. You will need to use the permanent or persistent links, also known as permalinks or bookmarks.

NEW** Linking in JSTOR (Remote Access)

Please use 'Remote Access URL' to link JSTOR articles in Canvas

You can find these links under 'Item Details' or 'Abstract and details' on each article page in the database unless it is open access (meaning anyone can view the article).

Support page with additional screenshots and more explanation:

Linking in EBSCOhost Databases

The Library has many different EBSCOhost subscriptions from Academic Search Complete to SocINDEX with Full Text (Sociology).

To link to a specific article in EBSCOhost, on the article's detailed record page, look to the right side "Tools" menu and click on the "Permalink" option. This link will provide a direct URL to the article selected.

  1. Locate the "Permalink" option under "Tools."
  2. Copy the Permalink URL and paste in your Canvas course.

EBSCOhost Permalink location

Linking in Gale Databases

The Library has several Gale Databases, including Literature Resource Center, Opposing Viewpoints, and Gale eBooks (formerly Gale Virtual Reference Center).

In Opposing Viewpoints, find an article and view the full-text.

  1. Locate the 'Bookmark' icon at the top of the page.
  2. The Bookmark window will appear.
  3. Copy the URL and paste in Canvas. 

locate bookmark in opposing viewpoints database

Video: Permalinks in EBSCOhost and ProQuest Databases

Here is a short video from Andersen Library, Reference & Instruction, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater that shows you where to locate the permalink in both EBSCOhost and ProQuest Databases.

Troubleshooting: Library's "Proxy" URL may be needed

The library has a service called a 'Proxy' that may need to be added to Permalinks you use from our databases.

This proxy helps our vendors recognize when GWC faculty, student, or staff members are accessing one of their resources and should direct them, when off-campus, to the single sign-on portal.

If your permalink does not work from off-campus, COPY and PASTE the following URL to the FRONT of the Permalink or Bookmark:


ProQuest document link for a recent (Feb. 2020) newspaper article from the Los Angeles Times:

*This link WILL work on campus computers or devices connected to the campus network

The same link with the proxy will allow you to access it from off-campus or the campus wifi:

Interested in Linking to an eBook?

Please be aware that most of our eBooks have a limited number of users that may view them at a time.

Look for eBooks in EBSCO or ProQuest that state they have "Unlimited Views" or use Gale eBooks or Salem Press which are all unlimited and may be used as course content or required readings in your courses.

You may create permanent links to ebook titles, chapters, or individual pages within the ebooks.

If you would like more information about using an eBook, or eBook chapter(s), as a required text for your class, please consult with Alana Krause, Online Distance Education Librarian.

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