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Library Services for Faculty

Instructions, tips and help for faculty using GWC Library resources and services.

Research Guides for Your Courses

What is a Research Guide?

A Research Guide is a specialized library website created specifically for your courses. Research guides may point out specific books, databases, and websites for your discipline. Instructions for locating and using library resources in their research for your course are presented in various methods.

Why would you want to point a student to a Research Guide?

The library website can be a bit overwhelming. There are a lot of databases and resources and students don't always know where to begin. By starting out on a Research Guide specific to their course, students can quickly locate course-related resources. 

The Library is creating new Research Guides all the time. If you're interested in having one modified or created for your course, email us.


The first guide in this list is a great basic overview of library research concepts for your students:

The Online Library Services Guide is helpful for students in an online-only class to see what services are available 'at a distance.'

More examples:

Guides in Canvas

Images below show two different ways to embed GWC Library Research Guides into your Canvas course.

Add Research Guides using an 'External URL' approach within a Module:

Canvas Guide Instructions: How do I add an external URL as a module item?
**NOTE: Leave the 'Load in a new tab' box unchecked to display the page within the course pages.

Library course guide embedded in Canvas ext. URL

Add Research Guides using hyperlinks in the Rich Text Editor (Pages, Announcements, Discussions, etc.):

Canvas Guide Instructions: How do I create a hyperlink in the Rich Content Editor as an instructor?

Library research guide linked in Canvas rich text

Brief video demonstration:

Log in with Coast username and password to view.

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