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Library Services for Faculty

Instructions, tips and help for faculty using GWC Library resources and services.

Swank Digital Campus

The GWC Library now offers Swank Digital Campus streaming media.

Swank offers streaming access to classic and contemporary feature films from producers such as Sony, Disney, MGM, Paramount, and more. 

  • We do not subscribe to Swank’s entire catalog. If there is a film you would like to use in a course, and it is available through Swank, you may request a license for the film through the procedures described below - see Instructions for Faculty.
  • Swank requires that faculty have an "academic purpose" for every initial license, but once a film is licensed, it can be viewed/used by any student, faculty, or staff member. 
  • The library is participating in a model that allows access to materials on a per-semester basis. We have licensed a small number of titles. Swank film licensing requests will be granted to faculty for required course material, and priority given to film studies and online courses. Please notify a librarian when a film is no longer needed.
  • These titles do NOT have Public Performance Rights (PPR) and may not be streamed for groups outside of classrooms by clubs, etc.

The database is searchable by title, actor, director, genre, and more.

Instructions for Faculty

What is Swank Digital Campus?

SWANK DIGITAL CAMPUS allows professors to stream films inside the classroom or assign to students as homework:

  • Includes film from major Hollywood studios, documentary providers, independent filmmakers, and international film companies
  • More than 25,000 classic and well-known titles are available to match any course.

How do I request films?

Contact the GWC Distance Education Librarian.

Can I use one of the currently activated films in the Swank Digital Campus database if I did not request it? 

Yes, anyone registered or employed at Golden West College can view any activated film in our directory. To make sure you have continued access to the film for your students, please notify the GWC Distance Education Librarian

How long are they available?

Licensing agreements are good for one year (one year from the date the film is ordered) for any of the films available in the Swank database. Films will need to be renewed yearly as funding permits.

If you have a problem, see the Swank Frequently Asked Questions:

Are there any tutorials to help me?

Finding Films and Requesting

Does Swank have the film I am interested in using in my course?

Once I find the film, how do I get it into my Canvas course?

  • Email the link from Swank (in the website above) to the GWC Distance Education Librarian and ask if you can get the film. 
    • If the film you are requesting requires additional fees, we will not be able to get it.
  • Note how long you need the film: Start and end date (a few days after the assignment is due).
  • Once the film has been acquired, you will get an email with details on how to access the movie. 

The library is very limited in the number of films we have, so please know we may not be able to provide the film, especially if requested last minute.

Swank does not have the film I want, what do I do?

Ask a librarian! We can look to see where else you may find the item. Or try our other streaming film database, Films on Demand.

Watching Films In Class or Online

To show films in class:

  • Windows users: use the latest versions of Chrome or Firefox.
  • Mac users: use the latest version of Firefox. If prompted, install the Google Widevine Optimizer.

Linking films in Canvas:

  • Search for the video title in SWANK database. Use the Share button to copy either the Direct Link or the LMS Link. The LMS Link will give you an HTML code that will create an accessible link in HTML text.
    • For example, A Raisin in the Sun:
      • Direct Link:
      • LMS Link: <a href=''>Watch A Raisin in the Sun</a>
        • The LMS Link creates an accessible link for use in Canvas. Copy and paste the link using the "embed" icon on the rich text editor.
  • Faculty may use the image of the movie poster in Swank. Make sure to mark the image as 'decorative' unless you refer to the movie poster as part of the text. If needed for understanding, provide the alternative text description in the Canvas 'image options.'
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